Thursday, September 4, 2008

What do we need?

As I am preparing to go to Costa Rica, the multitude of tasks set before me are daunting. Packing, re-painting my apartment to the ugly color it once was, getting the right shots before I leave, training my co-worker on my different responsibilities, trying to pack in as much social time as possible...I have gotten more than a little stressed out. I have wondered if God can really use me where I'm going and if it will prove to be too difficult for me. And the answer is, yes it will be difficult. But God is teaching me to pray that He will use my strengths for His will and that He will use me in spite of my weaknesses. One thing that has really encouraged me this month is Jesus' conversation with Martha in Luke 10: 41-42. "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Jesus' loving reprimand is not meant to shame, but meant to show Martha that one thing is needed. That one thing is offered to all of us. And I hope that I will make an effort to do the one thing that is needed as I get ready to go.

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